Naustyazh Software is a software developer from Belarus specializing in the development of short-term and long-term rental fleet management software.
Naustyazh Vehicle Sharing Platform (NVSP) – software platform to manage a fleet of bicycles, electric scooters or electric bicycles rented for short-term rental on a non-permanent basis. Having launched together with the company KOLOBIKE the largest sharing in Belarus consisting of 3,550 transport units, we did a great job of analyzing the needs and behavior of users, and also identified a number of bottlenecks that are not covered by most software solutions on the market. We decided to use our experience in order to create the second version of NVSP, which will become one of the most thoughtful and modern solutions on the market.

The NVS platform supports communications protocols from companies such as Omni, JIMI and Segway. In the near future we plan to expand the list of supported protocols, but now our software solution allows us to organize a service for the sharing of such modes of transport as bicycles, electric scooters and electric bicycles.
We are also ready to integrate the communications protocol, that you have already use in your project, as soon as possible.
Naustyazh Software offers you several possible formats for cooperation: our reward can be either fixed for each ride your users make, as well as a percentage of your revenue, the size of which is determined by the size of your fleet and the selected set of services.
You can also purchase our lifetime software license.
The NVS platform allows you to organize various rental models – you can quickly launch non-stop vehicle rental, or organize centralized parking lots with or without charging stations. We also offer our customers a hybrid rental model that combines the advantages of a non-stop and parking rental model in one.
Our software is ready to use now, and to adapt it to our new partner, we need no more than 15 working (banking) days. Therefore, if you already have scooters or bicycles equipped with IOT from suppliers such as Omni or JIMI, we will be able to connect you as soon as possible, as well as migrate your database to a new platform.
If you do not have transport, we will help you get it as soon as possible from our partners. Production time – from 20 days, delivery time – depending on your location and used transport.
We give you the opportunity to choose from several proven transport models that we and our partners use in their operations.
However, you can choose any bike or electric scooter model from any supplier you know.
We offer our partners a modern software solution that has a number of unique functions and models of monetization for the market. Our software package offers a number of opportunities for the operational management of your fleet and its timely service. Due to a special service mobile application, your employees will always promptly receive information about vehicles requiring maintenance, for example, when the battery of an electric scooter or a bicycle is about to be discharged, and they will also be able to plan their route from the position of the optimal order for fulfilling applications. As part of the application, the employee will be able to unlock the electric scooter hatch or unlock the battery on an electric bike to replace, diagnose vehicles, and perform other tasks as part of the business process.
We recommend starting from the following calculations when assessing the size of the market in which you plan to start your business – 1 bike or scooter for every 500 people in the city. For example, if the population of your city is 500 thousand people, the optimal capacity of your market is 1000 units of transport.
The cost of scooters recommended by us varies between $ 500 – $ 600 depending on the configuration (the price of the supplier), and the cost of bicycles is $ 190 – $ 270.

e-mail: contact@naustyazh.by